

Sunday 6 March 2011 Video from everywhere!


Balqis Thaahaveetil said...

Obsessions: The person has persistent pre-occupations, impulses, thoughts or images in one's mind that the person feels are intrusive, uncomfortable or inappropriate.

Compulsions: The person performs behaviors in which the person feels he/she "has to" carry them out. The obsessions seem to drive the person to the compulsion. Certain acts like repeating words before doing tasks, checking, counting, compulsive cleaning, excessive hand washing and dozens of other rituals that are performed before doing daily activities are considered compulsions.

Repeated hand washing
Checking locks, lights, gas etc
Counting several times
Aligning objects perfectly
Collecting useless objects
While most of these OCD symptoms seem silly and harmless, repeating them continuously can get extremely frustrating for everyone around them. People with OCD perform these tasks even if it interferes with their daily lives. There are some ocd symptoms which may cause harm to others:
Frequent acts of violence
Persistent sexual fantasies
Harming living creatures
Thoughts of performing unlawful acts

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment
Overcoming OCD can be a very lengthy and tedious process. However obsessive compulsive disorder treatment is available in numerous places and should be taken advantage of. OCD help centers have been set up in various places to help such individuals. Some of the options that are available for obsessive disorder treatment are:
Self Therapy: Most OCD victims are aware of their problem but are unable to stop themselves from it. Instead of visiting ocd help centers right away, it is important to apply self-restraint first and try to get over this OCD disorder by yourself.
Group Therapy: When one talks to other OCD disorder victims and realizes they are not the only ones suffering from this condition, overcoming OCD becomes an easier task.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: This is the most commonly used treatment to overcome ocd. It focuses on changing behaviors and patterns by forcing alternate methods and habits and slowly allows the patient to get rid of their fears.
Medicine: Several forms of serotonin medicine are prescribed to patients seeking ocd help. It is said to calm the brain an help rationalize a better behavioral pattern.
Psychosurgery: This is the last resort if all else fails in curing an obsessive compulsive disorder. This procedure eliminates the portion of the brain which may be causing the ocd symptoms.
Obsessive compulsive disorder was never an important issue in the past. Most people just laughed at those who did peculiar things and called them crazy. With the advances in technology, the diagnosis systems for ocd has improved drastically and now there are many obsessive compulsive disorder treatments available as well. OCD can be cured in many ways and one must not ignore the obvious ocd symptoms exhibited by a person. With proper OCD help and support from loved ones, an individual with ocd disorder can recover and lead an absolutely normal life once again.